Reset Password User Experience Specification

Release: scanR 4.5

August 1, 2008

Author: Pabini Gabriel-Petit, VP, User Experience




Copyright © 2007 scanR Inc. All rights reserved.




Revision History

Date Author Contributors Description
7/1/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Chris Dury
Charlie Guo

Joe Molnar

Dan Nieuwland

Mark Barbisan

Revision 1, Version 1.0
7/1/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit Chris Dury

Revision 1, Version 1.1

Changed to throughout the spec.

Revised the following sections:

Revised the following figures:

  • Figures 3-1–3-6—Modified linkbars.
  • Figures 3-3 and 3-6—Changed to
7/2/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Mark Barbisan

Chris Dury

Joe Molnar

Revision 1, Version 1.2

Revised the following sections:

Added Section 3.2.3, Multiple Accounts Match Error Message.

Added Figure 3-4 and renumbered subsequent figures.

Revised Figure 3-3—Changed alert icon to error icon and changed the message title.

7/7/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Mark Barbisan

Vey Freydooni

Revision 1, Version 1.3

Revised the following sections:

Added the following sections:

Removed Section 3.3.3, Mobile Application Alert Message. Implementation deferred.

Added Figures 3-5, 3-6, and 3-10.

7/8/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Andrew Hogg

Mark Barbisan

Revision 1, Version 1.4

Revised the following sections:

Revised Figures 3-5 and 3-7.

7/13/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit Chris Dury

Revision 1, Version 1.5

Revised the following sections:

7/17/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Mark Barbisan

Charlie Guo

Revision 1, Version 1.6

Revised the following sections:

Added Section 3.5, Page Dimensions.

Added Figures 3-11–3-14—Page dimensions.

7/21/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Paulo Ferreira

Mark Barbisan

Revision 1, Version 1.7

Revised the following sections:

7/25/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit Mark Barbisan

Revision 1, Version 1.8

Revised Section 3.3.1, Email Message—Removed URL and its introductory text from message.

Added Section 3.4.6, Error Messages on Camera Phones—Specified error messages for camera phones.

7/25/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit

Mark Barbisan

Charlie Guo

Tamara Flemington

Revision 1, Version 1.9

Revised the following sections:

Removed Section 3.4.6, Error Messages on Camera Phones—Integrated error messages with Section 3.4.2, Reset Your Password Page for the Mobile Web Application.

Added Section 3.2.6, Mobile Error Messages—Added new error messages.

7/28/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit Chris Dury

Revision 1, Version 1.10

Revised Section 3.1, Sign In to scanR Page—Redesigned Need assistance? group.

8/1/08 Pabini Gabriel-Petit Dan Nieuwland

Revision 1, Version 1.11

Revised Section 3.4.1, Reset Your Password Page for the PC Web Application—Revised error message behavior for the Confirm password box. Corrected a labeling error in the specifications, changing Password to New password.

NoteColored text in the specifications indicates revisions to the text.


1.0  Overview

This specification defines the user experience for resetting a password, which comprises the following:

2.0  Definitions of Terms

(Adj.) Describes a button or option that does not appear dimmed. When a button or option appears available, the functionality is available, and a user can click or select it.
(Adj.) Describes an unavailable feature or button that has a grayed out appearance. When a button or option appears dimmed, a user cannot click or select it.
Within the specification, variable text appears within brackets. For example, the text Remove [a photo/[#] photos]… represents the variable strings Remove a photo and Remove [#] photos, and the variable [#] represents a number of photos.

3.0  Reset Password User Experience  Revised

The user experience for resetting a password comprises the following:

3.1  Sign In to scanR Page  Revised

The following changes apply to the Sign In to scanR page on both the PC Web and mobile Web sites:

Need assistance?

Having trouble signing in or resetting your password?
For immediate, automated assistance, Request

Or contact scanR Support at [email protected].

Note—This is only an approximation of the layout for this user interface. Use the same layout conventions and styles as those for similar elements in the figures that follow. There may be some color shifting in the figures, because I based them on the HTML/CSS implementation and the screen shot used a different color profile, which I didn't notice until it was too late to do anything about it. Follow the color guidelines in scanR Color Palette or use existing styles, as appropriate.

The Sign In to scanR page includes the following interactive element:

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

3.2  Request Assistance Page  Revised

If a user clicks Request Assistance on the Sign in to scanR page, the Request Assistance page appears. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-1, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Note—See Chris Dury’s User Information Matrix for detailed messaging requirements.

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

On the mobile Web version of this page, Cancel is a link, not a button.

Figure 3-1Request Assistance page  Revised

3.2.1   Message Sent Confirmation Message

Once the message is sent, fade out the Request Assistance form, then fade in the Message sent! confirmation message. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-2, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Request Assistance

Message sent!

scanR has sent a message to the email and SMS addresses for your account.

Click the link in the message within 5 days to reset your password.

OK button—If the user clicks OK, the home page appears.

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

Figure 3-2Message sent! confirmation message  Revised

3.2.2   No Account Matches Error Message  Revised

If the user name or email address the user provided does not match any scanR account, fade in the No account matches. error message instead. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-3, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Request Assistance

No account matches.

The user name or email address you provided doesn’t match any scanR account. Please try again or contact Support. If you haven’t yet uploaded any photos to scanR, try signing up again.

Figure 3-3 shows the variant of this message that appears when a user has provided a user name that does not match any scanR account.

The No account matches. error message page includes the following interactive elements:

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

Figure 3-3No account matches. error message  Revised

3.2.3   Multiple Accounts Match Error Message  Revised

If the user name or email address the user provided matches multiple scanR accounts, fade in the Multiple accounts match. error message. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-4, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Request Assistance

Multiple accounts match.

The email address you provided matches multiple scanR accounts. Please try again with your user name or contact Support for assistance.

The Multiple accounts match. error message page includes the following interactive elements:

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

Figure 3-4Multiple accounts match. error message

3.2.4   No Email or SMS Address Error Message  Revised

If a user provides a user name for an account for which we have no email or SMS address, fade in the No email or SMS address. error message. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-5, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Request Assistance

No email or SMS address.

scanR does not have an email or SMS address for your account. Please contact Support.

The No email or SMS address. error message page includes the following interactive elements:

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

Figure 3-5No email or SMS address. error message  Revised

3.2.5   Password Reset Expired Alert Message

If a user clicks a link in a Reset Your scanR Password message after five days and it has expired, display the Password reset expired. alert message. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-6, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Request Assistance

Password reset expired.

Your password reset has expired. Your password remains unchanged. Please try again.

The Password reset expired. alert message page includes the following interactive element:

Try Again button—If a user clicks Try Again, the Request Assistance page appears.

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

Figure 3-6Password reset expired. alert message  New

3.2.6   Mobile Error Messages

On the Request Assistance page in a mobile Web browser, if the user clicks Send Message without typing either a user name or an email address, the following error message appears:

If the user types a user name or email address that comprises fewer than two characters, then clicks Send Message, the following error message appears:

3.3  Messages  Revised

Once a user clicks Send Message on the Request Assistance page, scanR sends messages via email and/or SMS, as appropriate.

3.3.1   Email Message  Revised

When sending a message to a user’s email address, the message has the following subject:

Reset Your scanR Password

Note—In scanR 4.5, email messages will be plain text messages, so in the following message, neither the scanR logo nor the blue header, Reset Your scanR Password, will appear in the message. Nor will the following text:

If you are unable to click the link, please paste this Web address into your browser:

Once we transition to HTML messages, add the logo, the header, the above text, and the URL to the message.

Send the following message to a user’s email address:

[scanR Logo]

Reset Your scanR Password

Dear [First Name]

Your scanR user name is [User Name]. To reset your password, please click this secure link within 5 days:


If you are unable to click the link, please paste this Web address into your browser:

Then, on the Reset Your Password page that appears in your browser, provide your new password.

If you don’t need to reset your password after all, just do nothing. Your password will remain unchanged.

Thank you for using scanR!

The scanR Team

Note—If a user’s first name is unknown, in the message, replace Dear [First Name] with Dear [User Name].

If the user clicks a link in an email message, display the Reset Your Password page in the user’s PC Web browser.

3.3.2   SMS or Mobile Email Message  Revised

When sending a message to a user’s SMS address or mobile email address, the message has the following subject:


Send the following message to a user’s SMS address or mobile email address:

To reset your password:

1) Click link within 5 days: [Link]

2) Set new password.

If the user clicks a link in an SMS or mobile email message, display the Reset Your Password page in the user’s mobile Web browser.

3.4  Reset Your Password Page

If a user clicks a link in an email or SMS message or the Reset Password button in a mobile application alert message, the Reset Your Password page appears in either the PC or mobile Web browser, as described in the following sections.

3.4.1   Reset Your Password Page for the PC Web Application  Revised

If a user clicks a link in an email message, the Reset Your Password page appears in the user’s PC Web browser, as shown in Figure 3-7. This page includes the following elements:

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is now signed in, the Welcome [Given name] message appears in the header, and the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is signed in, but in a process funnel.

On the mobile Web version of this page, Cancel is a link, not a button.

Figure 3-7—PC Web Reset Your Password page  Revised

3.4.2   Reset Your Password Page for the Mobile Web Application  Revised

If a user clicks a link in an SMS or mobile email message or the Reset Password button in a mobile application alert message, the Reset Your Password page appears in the user’s mobile Web browser. This page includes the following elements:

If the user provides a password that is fewer than 6 characters, then clicks Reset, the following error message appears:

If the user types passwords that do not match, then clicks Reset, the following error message appears:

3.4.3   Password Reset Successful Confirmation Message  Revised

Once the user clicks Reset on the Reset Your Password page, if the password reset is successful, fade out the Reset Your Password form, then fade in the Password reset successful! confirmation message. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-8, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Reset Your Password

Password reset successful!

You have successfully reset the password for your scanR account and are signed in to scanR.

OK button—If the user clicks OK, the My Scans page appears.

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is now signed in, the Welcome [Given name] message appears in the header, and the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is signed in.

Figure 3-8Password reset successful! confirmation message  Revised

The Password reset successful! confirmation message page for the mobile Web also includes the following link above the copyright information:

0  Home

3.4.4   Password Reset Failed Error Message  Revised

Once the user clicks Reset on the Reset Your Password page, if the password reset fails, fade out the Reset Your Password form, then fade in the Password reset failed. error message. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-9, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Reset Your Password

Password reset failed.

Your password reset was unsuccessful. Please try again or contact Support.

The Password reset failed. error message page includes the following interactive elements:

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is now signed in, the Welcome [Given name] message appears in the header, and the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is signed in, but in a process funnel.

Figure 3-9Password reset failed. error message  Revised

3.4.5   Unable to Reset Password Error Message

If a user provides an invalid reset password link, display the Unable to reset password. error message. Versions of this page for both the PC Web, shown in Figure 3-10, and the mobile Web include the following elements:

Reset Your Password

Unable to reset password.

The Web address you provided is not a valid reset password link. Please verify that you provided the correct address, try again, or contact Support for assistance.

The Unable to reset password. error message page includes the following interactive elements:

On the PC Web version of this page, since the user is not signed in, the header linkbar contains the links that appear when a user is not signed in.

Figure 3-10Unable to reset password. error message  New

3.5  Page Dimensions

Figures 3-11–3-14 show the page dimensions for the Request Assistance and Reset Password pages and their messages.

Figure 3-11Request Assistance page dimensions  New

Figure 3-12—Confirmation page dimensions  New

Figure 3-13—Error message page dimensions  New

Figure 3-14Reset Password page dimensions  New